How to Unclog a Toilet When Nothing Works – 10 Methods

Method 1: The Secret Weapon – Dish Soap and Hot Water

You might be wondering, “Can dish soap and hot water really unclog a toilet?” The answer is yes! This unlikely duo can work wonders for unclogging a toilet. The soap acts as a lubricant for the pipes, while the hot water helps to break up the clog. It’s like the Batman and Robin of toilet unclogging solutions. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Squirt a generous amount of dish soap into the toilet bowl. Aim for a quarter to a half cup. Did you know that the same grease-fighting properties that make dish soap great for cleaning dishes also help break up stubborn toilet clogs?

  2. Boil a kettle of water. Make sure it’s hot but not boiling, as boiling water can damage your toilet’s porcelain. Think of the hot water as a gentle yet powerful force that works together with dish soap to free your toilet from the clutches of the clog.

  3. Slowly pour the hot water into the toilet bowl, being careful not to splash. Remember, teamwork makes the dream work, so give the soap and water time to work together.

  4. Wait for 15-20 minutes. The dish soap and hot water will work in tandem to break up the clog. While you wait, why not contemplate the many other ways dish soap can save the day around the house?

  5. Try flushing the toilet. If the water drains, congratulations! Your dynamic duo has saved the day. If not, it’s time to move on to the next method.

Method 2: The DIY Drain Snake

Sometimes, you need to channel your inner MacGyver when a standard drain snake fails to do the job. Enter the DIY drain snake, made from a wire coat hanger. This homemade hero can come to your rescue when all else fails. Here’s how to make and use one:

  1. Unwind a wire coat hanger, straightening it out as much as possible. It’s time for this closet staple to step out of the shadows and into the spotlight.

  2. Create a small hook at one end of the hanger using pliers. This hook will serve as your clog-catching secret weapon.

  3. Wearing rubber gloves, insert the hooked end of the hanger into the toilet’s drain hole. Imagine yourself as a fearless explorer, venturing into the depths of the unknown.

  4. Gently wiggle and twist the hanger to break up the clog. Be careful not to damage the porcelain or push the clog further down the pipe. Did you know that more than half of all plumbing problems are due to clogs caused by foreign objects being flushed down the toilet?

  5. Once you feel the clog has been broken up, try flushing the toilet. If the water drains, you’ve succeeded! Your DIY drain snake has proven its worth. If not, it’s time to try the next method. Who knew that a simple wire coat hanger could be such a valuable ally in the fight against clogs?

Method 3: The Wet/Dry Vacuum Trick

In some cases, you have to think outside the box and turn to unconventional methods to unclog your toilet. Did you know that a wet/dry vacuum can save the day when nothing else seems to work? It’s like having a superhero in your cleaning arsenal. Here’s how to use one to unclog your toilet:

  1. Empty the toilet bowl as much as possible, using a cup or small container to scoop out the water. This step will help the vacuum work more efficiently and prevent a mess.

  2. Place the vacuum’s hose into the toilet’s drain hole, creating a seal around the hose with a wet rag or old towel. This seal will ensure that the vacuum’s suction power is concentrated on the clog.

  3. Turn on the vacuum and let it run for a few minutes, sucking up the clog and any remaining water. Imagine the vacuum as a powerful whirlwind, pulling the stubborn clog out of its hiding place.

  4. Once you hear the vacuum pulling up the clog, turn it off and remove the hose. It’s always satisfying to see the fruits of your labor, isn’t it?

  5. Flush the toilet to see if the clog has been cleared. If the water drains, you’ve done it! If not, don’t lose hope; we still have more methods to try.

Method 4: The Baking Soda and Vinegar Volcano

Remember those fun science experiments from school, where you’d mix baking soda and vinegar to create a volcanic eruption? Well, that same reaction can be used to unclog your toilet! It’s like a trip down memory lane, but with a practical purpose. Here’s how:

  1. Measure out one cup of baking soda and pour it into the toilet bowl. This common household ingredient is about to become your toilet’s best friend.

  2. Follow it up with two cups of white vinegar, pouring slowly to avoid a massive overflow. The vinegar will react with the baking soda, creating a powerful fizzing action.

  3. The mixture will begin to fizz and bubble, working to break up the clog. Did you know that the fizzing action of baking soda and vinegar can also help to remove stains and freshen your toilet?

  4. Wait for about 30 minutes to allow the chemical reaction to work its magic. While you wait, you can marvel at the simple yet effective science happening right before your eyes.

  5. Flush the toilet to see if the clog has been cleared. If the water drains, you’ve won the battle! If not, keep reading for more solutions. With each method you try, you’re one step closer to conquering that stubborn clog.

Method 5: Enlisting the Help of a Toilet Auger

Sometimes, you need to call in the big guns to tackle a stubborn toilet clog. A toilet auger, also known as a closet auger, is a specialized plumbing tool designed to unclog toilets. It’s like the SWAT team of the plumbing world, swooping in when a standard drain snake just won’t cut it. Here’s how to use one:

  1. Insert the auger’s flexible end into the toilet’s drain hole, making sure the protective sleeve is in place to avoid damaging the porcelain. This sleeve is like a superhero’s suit, shielding your toilet from potential harm.

  2. Crank the handle in a clockwise direction to extend the auger’s cable further into the drain. This cable is your secret weapon, reaching deep into the pipes to combat the clog.

  3. Keep cranking until you feel the cable snag on the clog. It’s like reeling in a big fish, but instead of a trophy catch, you’re after something far less glamorous.

  4. Continue to crank the handle, using a back-and-forth motion to break up the clog. Remember, perseverance is key when it comes to unclogging a toilet.

  5. Once the clog has been broken up, slowly retract the cable by turning the handle counterclockwise. It’s time to reel in your victory!

  6. Flush the toilet to see if the clog has been cleared. If the water drains, the mission is accomplished! If not, it’s time to consider calling in the professionals.

Method 6: Pour a Bucket of Water Quickly

Quite often, the force of gravity can be your best friend in the battle against a clogged toilet. Rapidly pouring a bucket of water into the toilet can create enough pressure to dislodge the clog. It’s like creating a mini tidal wave to wash away your troubles. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Fill a large bucket with water. The bigger the bucket, the more powerful the wave of water you’ll create.

  2. Stand over the toilet and quickly pour the water into the bowl, aiming directly at the drain hole. It’s time to put the power of water to work!

  3. The force of the water might be enough to dislodge the clog and allow the toilet to flush properly. Did you know that water pressure is the same principle that allows firefighters to blast water at high speeds to extinguish fires?

  4. If the water drains, you’ve successfully unclogged your toilet! If not, let’s try another method. With each attempt, you’re gaining valuable experience in the art of toilet unclogging.

Method 7: Use a Squirt Gun

Believe it or not, a squirt gun can be an effective tool for unclogging a toilet. It may sound like child’s play, but the focused stream of water can help break up the clog. Who knew that a childhood toy could become a plumbing hero? Here’s how to use one:

  1. Fill a squirt gun with warm water. The warmer the water, the more effective it will be at breaking up the clog.

  2. Aim the squirt gun directly at the clog or the drain hole in the toilet bowl. It’s time to put your sharpshooting skills to the test!

  3. Rapidly squirt water into the toilet, focusing on the clog or drain hole. The powerful stream of water will work to dislodge the clog, much like a miniature power washer.

  4. Flush the toilet to see if the clog has been cleared. If the water drains, you’ve successfully unclogged your toilet! If not, let’s move on to the next method. With each attempt, you’re learning new and inventive ways to tackle stubborn clogs.

Method 8: Use a Plastic Bottle to Create a Pressure

When it comes to unclogging a toilet, sometimes you have to get creative and think outside the box. Creating pressure within the toilet bowl can help force the clog through the pipes, and one unconventional method for doing this involves using a plastic bottle. It’s like turning your everyday household item into a powerful plunger! Here’s how:

  1. Empty a 2-liter plastic bottle and remove the label. This humble bottle is about to become your secret weapon in the fight against clogs.

  2. Fill the bottle with warm water. The warmth of the water will help soften the clog, making it easier to dislodge.

  3. Wearing rubber gloves, place your thumb over the bottle’s opening and submerge the bottle into the toilet bowl. This step will help create the necessary pressure to dislodge the clog.

  4. Position the opening of the bottle over the drain hole and release your thumb, allowing the water to rush out of the bottle and create pressure. It’s like a mini explosion of water, blasting away the stubborn clog.

  5. Flush the toilet to see if the clog has been cleared. If the water drains, congratulations! If not, keep going with the next method. Remember, perseverance is key when it comes to unclogging a toilet.

Method 9: Enzyme Product

Enzyme products are like tiny superheroes, containing natural enzymes and bacteria that are designed to break down organic matter, making them an eco-friendly and effective option for unclogging a toilet caused by waste or toilet paper. Here’s how to unleash their power:

  1. Purchase an enzyme-based drain cleaner from your local hardware store or online. Look for a product specifically designed for toilets, as some enzyme cleaners may be formulated for other types of drains. With so many options on the market, finding the perfect match for your clogged toilet is easier than ever.

  2. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use. This typically involves shaking the bottle well, then pouring a specific amount of the product into the toilet bowl. Once unleashed, the enzymes will begin to break down the organic matter in the clog like tiny warriors.

  3. Let the enzyme cleaner work its magic for the designated wait time, which can range from a few hours to overnight. Patience is key here, as giving the enzymes enough time to break down the clog effectively is crucial for success.

  4. After the designated wait time, flush the toilet to see if the clog has been cleared. If the water drains, great job! You’ve harnessed the power of enzymes to save the day. If not, fear not, as we still have one more method to try.

Method 10: Chemical Drain Cleaner

As a last resort, you can try using a chemical drain cleaner to unclog your toilet. However, approach this method with caution, as chemical drain cleaners can be harmful to your pipes, the environment, and your health if used improperly. It’s like summoning a powerful, but dangerous, ally in your battle against clogs. Here’s how to use one:

  1. Purchase a chemical drain cleaner from your local hardware store or online. Look for a product specifically designed for toilets, as some drain cleaners may be too harsh or not effective for this purpose.

  2. Suit up with protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, to shield yourself from the chemicals. Safety first!

  3. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for use, which usually involve carefully pouring a specific amount of the cleaner into the toilet bowl. Make sure to ventilate the area well, as chemical drain cleaners can produce strong fumes, much like a mad scientist’s laboratory.

  4. Wait for the recommended amount of time, usually between 15 minutes and 1 hour, allowing the chemicals to work on breaking up the clog. The chemical reaction can generate heat, so avoid using hot water during this process to prevent damage to your pipes. It’s like a tiny, controlled explosion within your toilet.

  5. After the wait time, carefully flush the toilet to see if the clog has been cleared. If the water drains, you’ve finally unclogged your toilet! If not, it’s time to call in the cavalry— a professional plumber for assistance. Remember to dispose of any remaining chemical drain cleaner according to local regulations and the manufacturer’s instructions.

When to Call a Professional Plumber

If you’ve tried all the methods in this guide and still haven’t managed to unclog your toilet, it’s time to call a professional plumber. They have the expertise and specialized equipment to handle even the most stubborn clogs. Remember, it’s better to admit defeat and call a pro than to risk damaging your plumbing system by continuing to try DIY methods.

While you’re waiting for the plumber to arrive, why not tackle some other common bathroom issues? Check out these helpful articles for more tips and tricks:

Now you’re equipped with a variety of methods to unclog your toilet when nothing seems to work. We hope that, like Sarah, you’ll find success in using these techniques. Remember, sometimes it takes a little creativity and determination to solve stubborn problems, but with patience and perseverance, you can conquer that clogged toilet!

Dos and Don’ts

When it comes to unclogging a toilet, there are certain dos and don’ts that can make the process smoother and prevent further damage. Keep these in mind as you tackle your stubborn clog:

Use a plunger designed for toilets. A toilet plunger has a flange that helps create a better seal around the drain hole.
Be patient. Sometimes, it takes a bit of time and effort to unclog a toilet. Don’t give up too quickly.
Wear protective gear. Rubber gloves, goggles, and old clothes can help protect you from any splashing or spills.
Keep a bucket and towels nearby. In case of spills or overflowing water, it’s essential to have supplies on hand to clean up quickly.
Know when to call a professional. If you’ve tried all the methods in this guide without success, it’s time to call a plumber.
Use excessive force. Applying too much force when using a plunger, snake, or other tools can damage your toilet or pipes.
Flush repeatedly. Repeatedly flushing a clogged toilet can cause it to overflow, leading to a messy and unsanitary situation.
Pour boiling water into the toilet. Boiling water can damage the porcelain or cause the toilet to crack. Use hot water, but not boiling.
Use chemical drain cleaners frequently. Overuse of chemical drain cleaners can damage your pipes and harm the environment.

Tips and Tricks

To make your unclogging process more efficient, keep these helpful tips and tricks in mind:

  1. Check the water level. If the water level in the toilet bowl is too high, scoop out some water before attempting any unclogging methods to prevent splashing and spills.

  2. Use the right plunger technique. Make sure the plunger is fully submerged in water and create a tight seal around the drain hole. Push and pull the plunger with force, but don’t overdo it.

  3. Combine methods. Sometimes, a combination of methods can be more effective than just one. For example, try using the dish soap and hot water method followed by a plunger.

  4. Prevent future clogs. To avoid future toilet clogs, be mindful of what you flush. Only flush toilet paper and human waste. Avoid flushing items like paper towels, wipes, or feminine hygiene products.

  5. Keep a toilet maintenance routine. Regularly cleaning your toilet and checking for any issues can help prevent clogs and other problems.


How can I prevent future toilet clogs?

To prevent toilet clogs, avoid flushing anything other than toilet paper and human waste. Do not flush items like paper towels, wipes, or feminine hygiene products. Additionally, maintaining a regular toilet cleaning routine can help keep your toilet in good working condition.

Can I use a regular plunger to unclog a toilet?

While you can use a regular plunger to unclog a toilet, a toilet plunger with a flange is specifically designed for toilets and can create a better seal around the drain hole, making it more effective.

How long should I wait before calling a professional plumber?

If you have tried all the methods in this guide without success, it’s time to call a professional plumber. They will have the experience and tools needed to unclog your toilet safely and effectively.

Can I use a chemical drain cleaner on a septic system?

It is generally not recommended to use chemical drain cleaners on a septic system, as they can kill the beneficial bacteria in the septic tank, which are necessary for breaking down waste. Instead, try using enzyme-based drain cleaners, which are safe for septic systems.

How can I tell if my toilet is clogged or if there is a problem with the main sewer line?

If only your toilet is having issues and other drains in your home are working fine, it’s likely a clogged toilet. However, if multiple drains in your home are experiencing problems, it could be an issue with the main sewer line. In this case, it’s important to call a professional plumber for assistance.

Additional Resources and Solutions

We hope you found this guide helpful in tackling your clogged toilet. If you’re interested in learning more about home maintenance and improvement, check out these articles from our friends at Lord Homie:

  • How Often Should You Shampoo Carpets? – Discover the factors that influence how often you should clean your carpets and the best methods to keep them looking fresh and new.
  • How to Connect a Natural Gas Line to a Grill – Make outdoor grilling even more convenient by connecting your natural gas line to your grill. Learn how to safely and properly set up your gas connection with this detailed guide.
  • How to Make a Tent at Home with Blankets – Bring the fun indoors with a cozy and creative blanket fort. This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to build the perfect tent for a fun family activity or a relaxing personal retreat.
  • How to Get Rid of Pigeons on Your Balcony – Pigeons can be a nuisance on your balcony, causing mess and damage. Learn how to humanely deter these feathered visitors and reclaim your outdoor space with the tips and tricks in this helpful guide.

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