How to Successfully Grow Cherry Trees from Seeds

Key takeaway:

  • Starting cherry seeds indoors allows for better control over germination and early growth conditions. By providing the right temperature, moisture, and light, you can increase the chances of successful seedling development.
  • Growing cherry seeds outdoors requires careful site selection and preparation. Ensuring proper sunlight exposure, soil quality, and spacing between trees is crucial for healthy growth and optimal fruit production.
  • Caring for a cherry tree involves regular watering, pruning, and fertilizing. It is important to monitor for pests and diseases, and take appropriate action to prevent or treat any issues that arise.


Growing a cherry tree from seed involves specific steps and attention to detail. This process requires patience and care to ensure successful growth and development. By following the proper methods, one can cultivate a cherry tree from seed and enjoy the beauty and fruit it brings to their garden.

Additionally, understanding the growth requirements and environmental conditions needed for a cherry tree to thrive is essential for a successful outcome. By providing the ideal conditions, such as proper sunlight, well-drained soil, and regular watering, one can create an environment conducive to the growth of a healthy cherry tree. For those interested in how plants grow in general, read more about the growth process here.

It is important to note that although growing a cherry tree from seed is rewarding, it may take several years before the tree matures and produces fruit.

Understanding Cherry Trees

Cherry trees aren’t just any ordinary tree; they’re a captivating blend of beauty and bounty. If you’re thinking of embarking on the rewarding journey of growing one from a seed, there’s a rhythm to understand.

  1. First, those seeds need a cold embrace – a period called stratification – before they’re ready to touch the soil.
  2. When they do, ensure it’s a sunny spot with soil that doesn’t hold onto water for too long.

The allure of cherry trees extends beyond their iconic pink blossoms. Yes, they’re mesmerizing to look at, but it’s the promise of succulent cherries that captivates many a gardener. But here’s where it gets intriguing: cherry trees play a bit hard to get. They won’t give you those juicy cherries without a bit of matchmaking. They need cross-pollination, relying on the likes of bees to take pollen from one flower to another.

And a word to the wise: these trees test your patience. It can take years before they decide to reward you with fruit. But with the right care, when they do start, it’s not just a one-time treat; it’s an annual feast of deliciousness.

So, if you’re in for the long haul and ready to dance with nature’s rhythm, cherry trees promise beauty, challenges, and bountiful rewards.

How to Start Cherry Seeds Indoors

To start cherry seeds indoors, follow these 6 simple steps:

  1. Prepare the seeds: Remove the seeds from ripe cherries and gently rinse them to remove any remaining fruit flesh.
  2. Stratify the seeds: Place the cherry seeds in a container filled with moist peat moss or vermiculite. Cover the container and refrigerate it for 10-12 weeks to simulate winter conditions.
  3. Plant the seeds: Fill small pots with a well-draining potting mix and plant the cherry seeds about 1 inch deep. Water the pots lightly to ensure the soil is evenly moist.
  4. Provide warmth and light: Place the pots in a warm location where they can receive indirect sunlight or use grow lights to provide adequate light for germination.
  5. Maintain moisture: Regularly check the soil and water as needed to keep it moist but not soggy.
  6. Transplant seedlings: Once the seedlings have grown to around 6 inches tall and have developed several true leaves, carefully transplant them into larger containers or outdoors in a sunny location.

In addition to these steps, remember to keep the seedlings away from cold drafts and protect them from pests.

Pro Tip: It is important to only use fresh cherry seeds for optimal germination success. Higher-quality seeds yield better results. To understand more about plant propagation, check out this guide on propagating philodendron.

How to Grow Cherry Seeds Outdoors

Growing cherry seeds outdoors can be done by following a simple 6-step guide. Here are the steps:

  1. Choose a suitable outdoor planting location.
  2. Prepare the soil by adding compost and ensuring good drainage.
  3. Plant the cherry seeds at the appropriate depth and spacing.
  4. Water the seeds regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged.
  5. As the seeds germinate and grow into seedlings, provide them with adequate sunlight and protect them from extreme weather conditions.
  6. Finally, continue to care for the seedlings by watering, pruning, and fertilizing them as needed.

Growing a cherry tree from seed outdoors isn’t just a gardening task – it’s a commitment to a rewarding journey. Each stage, from germination to fruiting, demands your attention and care. The good news? The results are absolutely worth it.

It’s essential to understand the unique quirks of cherry seeds, particularly their need for cold stratification. To maximize success, dive into the specifics of the cherry variety you’ve chosen. Knowledge here is not just power; it’s the difference between a barren twig and a flourishing tree.

In essence, turning a cherry seed into a bountiful tree outdoors is both an art and a science. Embrace the process, adjust to your environment, and you’ll be basking in the joy of your own cherry harvest in due time.

How to Care for a Cherry Tree

To care for a cherry tree, follow these 4 simple steps:

  1. Planting: Choose a suitable location that receives full sunlight and has well-draining soil. Dig a hole that is slightly wider and deeper than the root ball of the tree. Place the tree in the hole, making sure the top of the root ball is level with the ground. Fill the hole with soil, gently firming it around the roots. Water thoroughly.
  2. Watering: Ensure the cherry tree gets regular watering, especially during dry spells. Water deeply, allowing the soil to become evenly moist but not waterlogged. Avoid overhead watering to prevent disease. Mulching around the base of the tree will help retain moisture.
  3. Pruning: Prune your cherry tree during the dormant season to remove dead or diseased branches, improve airflow, and maintain its shape. Be careful not to over-prune, as this can reduce fruit production. Remove any suckers that grow from the base of the tree to prevent them from competing with the main trunk.
  4. Fertilizing: Feed your cherry tree with a balanced fertilizer in early spring. Follow the package instructions for the appropriate amount and method of application. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to excessive foliage growth and reduce fruit quality.

Cherry trees, while delightful, aren’t without their challenges. Keep an eye out for common adversaries like aphids, cherry fruit flies, and the dreaded brown rot. Proactive monitoring and timely intervention can mean the difference between a thriving tree and a troubled one. For tips on reviving plants, learn how to revive hydrangeas here.

A well-tended cherry tree isn’t just about the harvest; it’s a testament to your care and dedication.

So, cherish the journey. Every moment spent nurturing your tree is an investment in its future – a future filled with vibrant blossoms and delectable cherries. Start today, and let your garden bear witness to the marvel that is a flourishing cherry tree.


  • Start with a cherry fruit at its prime: Pick a cherry that’s ripe and juicy. Its seed holds the promise of a new tree.
  • Delve within: Gently extract the seed, ensuring it remains whole and undamaged.
  • Ready it for birth: Let the seed soak overnight. This simple step helps break down its hard exterior and sets the stage for sprouting.
  • Lay the foundation: Take a pot filled with damp soil, nestle your seed an inch below, and find it a sunny spot to call home.
  • Tend to its needs: Regular watering keeps its world fresh. But remember, moderation is key. Ensure excess water can escape, as waterlogged roots aren’t a cherry tree’s friend.
  • A change of residence: Once your sapling stretches to around 6 inches and boasts sturdy roots, it’s time for a bigger home – be it a larger pot or a spot in your garden.

Remember, cherry trees have a unique winter ritual. They need a set number of cold hours to gear up for fruiting. Fall short, and the tree might just take a fruiting hiatus.

Did you know? Cherries aren’t just delicious; they’re powerhouses. The American Society for Horticultural Science endorses cherries for being antioxidant-rich, translating to a myriad of health benefits.

Commit to this journey, and you’ll be rewarded not just with blossoms and cherries but with the unmatched joy of watching life flourish from a mere seed.

In conclusion: They say when life gives you lemons, whip up some lemonade. But with cherries on your side, you’re not just quenching thirst, you’re serving up a garden of delight.

Five Facts About How to Grow Cherry Tree From Seed:

  • ✅ Cherry trees can be grown from seed, but not all cherries will come true from seed. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Sour cherry seeds are recommended for best results when growing cherries from seed. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Starting cherry seeds indoors involves cleaning and drying the seeds, then planting them in a seed tray or pot filled with moist potting mix. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Cherry seedlings should be placed in a south-facing window or greenhouse to receive adequate sunlight. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Alternatively, cherry seeds can be sown outdoors in the fall and left to sprout naturally in the spring. (Source: Team Research)


Can I grow a cherry tree from a cherry pit?

Yes, you can grow a cherry tree from a cherry pit, although it is more common to purchase and plant cherry trees as grafted seedlings.

What are the different types of cherry trees?

There are two main types of cherry trees: sweet cherries (Prunus avium) and sour cherries (Prunus cerasus).

How do I start cherry seeds indoors?

To start cherry seeds indoors, remove the pits from fresh cherries, clean off the fruit, dry the seeds, and then plant them in a seed tray or pot filled with moist, sand-based potting mix.

Can I grow cherry seeds outdoors?

Yes, you can sow cherry seeds outdoors in the fall in areas where they are hardy. Plant the cleaned and dried seeds in a sand-based mix and leave them exposed to the elements.

What care do cherry trees need?

Cherry trees require full sun, protection from browsing wildlife in winter, and pruning in early spring. They also grow relatively fast and require less care compared to other fruit trees.

How long does it take for cherry seeds to produce fruit?

It can take approximately 10 years for cherry seeds to grow into mature trees and produce fruit.

Additional Reading

Growing a cherry tree from seed is an ambitious and rewarding gardening venture. As you set forth on this path, enhancing your knowledge with related gardening insights will only boost your success. Here are some supplementary articles to consider:

  1. When is Tomato Season?: Tomatoes are amongst the most popular home-grown fruits. Discover the peak season for harvesting these delicious and versatile fruits.
  2. Best Soil for Tomatoes: If you’re considering growing other fruits or vegetables alongside your cherry tree, tomatoes are a great option. This article delves into optimizing soil conditions for tomato plants.
  3. Why Are My Tomato Leaves Curling?: Tending to plants often means troubleshooting problems. By understanding common issues with tomato plants, you can better anticipate and address challenges that might arise with your cherry tree.
  4. Plants that Repel Ticks: Ensure that the vicinity of your young cherry tree remains tick-free. Learn about plants that naturally deter these pests, creating a safer environment for you and your plants.
  5. Aerate and Overseed Lawn: A healthy lawn complements any tree. This guide on aerating and overseeding ensures your garden remains lush and green, providing a supportive environment for your cherry tree to flourish.

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