Effective Ways to Get Rid of Flies in Your Garage | Expert Tips

Dealing with a fly infestation in your garage can be an irritating challenge. Did you know flies are attracted to decaying matter and their presence may hint towards an unhealthy environment? This article provides practical solutions, from deep cleaning routines to DIY traps, enabling you to effectively banish these pesky insects from your garage.

Get ready for a bug-free sanctuary!

Key Takeaways

  • Flies inside the garage can be eliminated by deep cleaning, using sticky traps, applying fly bait, removing standing water and liquids, employing fly swatters, fogging the garage, and creating Do It Yourself fly traps.
  • Signs of a fly infestation include clusters of flies near garbage cans or animal feces and a bad smell in the garage.
  • Common causes of flies appearing around your garage are decaying organic matter like food waste, leaky pipes that create pools of water attracting drain flies, and compost piles containing cooking oils and animal feces mixed into dirt.
  • Preventive measures to keep flies away from your garage include proper lawn maintenance (mowing grass regularly, removing dead plants/leaves), using scents like lavender or citronella that repel flies, and eliminating potential food sources.

Understanding the Fly Infestation in Your Garage

Flies in any place can be a frustrating problem, but understanding the signs and causes of fly invasion is crucial for effective elimination.

Signs of Fly Infestation

Flies in your garage are not always easy to spot. Here are some signs that you may have a fly problem:

  1. You spot small clusters of flies around garbage cans or animal feces.
  2. There is a buzzing sound, even when there’s no obvious source.
  3. A lot of flies like to dash into the garage each time the door opens.
  4. The garage smells bad, like rotting food or waste.
  5. There are tiny bugs near standing water or leaks.
  6. You find maggots in trash cans or on food waste.
  7. Flies are on the walls, especially near windows and doors.
  8. Fly traps, like sticky papers or electric light traps, catch lots of flies.

Read more on how to get a bird out of your garage.

Common Causes of Flies in the Garage

Flies love damp and dirty places in your garage. They swarm to trash cans filled with food waste. This is their favorite place to eat and lay eggs. Locking lids on these cans can help cut down the number of flies.

Stale beer or flat soda left lying around also catches their attention. Leaky pipes cause pools of water that pull in drain flies. Cat litter soaked in urine and feces is a magnet for house flies too.

compost pile inside or near the garage will lure lots of them over, especially if it includes cooking oils and animal feces mixed into organic dirt.

Practical Methods to Get Rid of Flies in Your Garage

To get rid of flies buzzing around in your garage, you can try deep cleaning the space, using sticky traps, applying fly bait, removing standing water and liquids, employing fly swatters, fogging the garage, and creating DIY fly traps with soda bottles.

Deep Cleaning the Garage

Cleaning your garage well can definitely help you with these pesky invaders. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

  1. Take out all items from your garage, including tools and storage boxes.
  2. Make sure to pick up any trash or food waste lying on the floor.
  3. Use a broom to sweep away dirt, dust, and cobwebs.
  4. Get rid of any standing water you may find.
  5. Check for leaks that might cause damp spots as they attract drain flies.
  6. Clean any spilled food or drink stains with soap and water.
  7. Once dry, put back your items in an organized way to prevent cluttering.
  8. Regular cleaning helps to stop flies who search for food sources.

Using Sticky Traps

Sticky traps are good tools to remove flies. The traps catch and hold the flies so they can’t fly around. Place these on windowsills and near doors where you see many flies.

Readiness is key for sticky traps to work well. Check them often and change them when needed. This keeps your garage less attractive to bothersome flies and helps control their numbers by catching them before they become a big problem.

Applying Fly Bait

To tackle that fly invasion, applying fly bait can be another effective method. Fly bait is designed to attract and trap flies, luring them away and into the bait.

It usually comes in the form of a gel or granules that contain ingredients that flies find irresistible. You can apply the bait near areas where you notice high fly activity or around garbage cans and other potential breeding grounds for flies.

Once the flies are attracted to the bait, they will consume it and eventually die. This helps reduce the population of flies coming into your garage and provides you with a more fly-free environment.

Remember to follow instructions carefully when using specially formulated baits and keep them out of reach of children and pets.

Removing Standing Water and Liquids

To effectively combat a fly curse, here we come up with another solution. It is crucial to eliminate any standing water or liquids that may be attracting them. Flies are coming to moisture, so removing these water sources will help deter them from infesting you. Here are some steps you can take to remove standing water and liquids:

  1. Check for any leaks: Inspect your shed for any leaky pipes, faucets, or other sources of water. Repair any leaks promptly to prevent them from becoming breeding grounds for flies.
  2. Remove containers with stagnant water: Dispose of any containers or objects that may collect and hold water, such as old buckets, flower pots, or discarded tires. Empty them regularly to prevent the accumulation of fixed water.
  3. Clean up spills promptly: If you have spilled liquids, clean them up immediately and thoroughly. Flies are lured to sugary substances and food residues, so eliminating these sources will discourage their presence.
  4. Secure trash cans: Make sure your garbage bins have tightly sealed lids and are emptied regularly. Flies are drawn to decaying organic matter, so keeping your garbage properly contained will help minimize their attraction.
  5. Address drainage issues: If you notice puddles or areas where water tends to accumulate, consider improving the drainage system by redirecting the flow of water away from these areas. This can help prevent the formation of stagnant water pools.

Employing Fly Swatters

Fly swatters are a practical and low-cost solution for stopping the flies. They are effective in killing flies that are already present and can provide immediate results in reducing the fly population.

Using a fly swatter doesn’t require any special skills or equipment, making it an easy method for anyone to use. Simply spot a fly, take aim, and give it a good smack with the swatter.

It’s a quick and efficient way to eliminate flies without using chemicals or relying on expensive pest control services. So grab yourself a fly swatter and start taking back your garage from those pesky pests!

Fogging the Garage

Let’s talk now about fogging. It is a practical method that helps with fighting heavy insect curses. By using a fog spray specifically designed for flying insects, you can quickly and efficiently eliminate these pests.

Fogging allows the spray to reach all areas of your garage, including cracks and crevices where flies may hide. It’s important to follow the instructions on the product label and take safety precautions when fogging your garage.

This method can help significantly reduce the number of flies in your garage and make it a more pleasant space for you to use.

Creating DIY Fly Traps with Soda Bottles

Here’s how you can make your own traps using soda bottles:

  1. Cut off the top third of a plastic soda bottle.
  2. Pour a small amount of bait at the bottom of the bottle. You can use sugar water, fruit juice, or vinegar mixed with dish soap.
  3. Invert the top part of the bottle and place it inside the bottom part, forming a funnel shape.
  4. Tape or staple the two parts together so they stay securely in place.
  5. Poke several small holes near the top of the bottle to allow flies to enter.
  6. Hang the trap in areas where flies are a problem, such as near garbage bins or in corners of your garage.
  7. Check and empty the trap regularly to prevent it from becoming too full.

Preventive Measures to Keep Flies Away from Your Garage

Proper lawn maintenance, using scents that fly dislike, and taking steps to remove potential food supplies can help prevent future insect infestations in your garage. Read on to learn more about these effective preventive measures.

Proper Lawn Maintenance

To prevent flies from infesting your garage, it’s important to take care of your lawn properly. Here are some tips:

  • Regularly mow your lawn to keep the grass short.
  • Remove any dead or decaying plants and leaves from your yard.
  • Trim bushes and shrubs to reduce hiding places for flies.
  • Clean up pet waste promptly and dispose of it properly.
  • Avoid overwatering your lawn, as standing water can attract flies.
  • Consider planting marigolds or other strong-smelling herbs near the garage to naturally drive flies back. Discover more plants that repel ticks.

Using Scents that Flies Dislike

Flies can be repelled by scents they dislike, such as lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, cloves, citronella, and basil. You can plant these herbs near your garage doors and windows to naturally hold flies back.

Another option is to make your own fly-repellent spray using vinegar and essential oils or cayenne pepper and water. Spraying this mixture around your windows and doorways can help deter flies from entering the garage.

Hanging fly strips or using electrified bug zappers are also effective in killing insects. Learn how to get rid of spiders in your basement.


In conclusion, getting rid of flies in your garage is possible by implementing practical methods like deep cleaning, using sticky traps and fly baitremoving standing wateremploying fly swattersfogging the space, and creating DIY traps.

Additionally, taking preventive measures such as proper lawn maintenance and using scents that flies dislike can help keep them away. With these strategies in place, you can enjoy a fly-free garage and prevent any potential health risks associated with these pesky insects.


1. How do I keep flies away from my garage?

Keeping your garage clean and free of waste, food sources, or cat feces can help. Use airtight containers for dog and cat food, close all windows, doors, cracks, and consider using an odor filter.

2. What kind of items work as a fly repellant?

Items like mint, and fresh orange peel rosemary air purifiers can act as natural fly repellants. You could also use citronella candles, and Irish spring soap which are scents that repel flies.

3. Are there products on Amazon or ShareASale that can help me get rid of flies?

Yes! There are many items suitable for pest protection such as ultraviolet light traps, electric fly swatters, or hanging fly strips/traps available through these affiliate programs.

4. Can different kinds of traps be used to catch flies?

Surely! You could make use of soda bottle fly traps filled with fruit or sugar to lure them in or buy sticky trap sticks specifically designed to capture annoying pests

5. Could composting attract more bugs into my backyard and garage?

If not done right, long grass around a decomposing compost heap could house colonies burrows full of various insects but by incorporating beneficial bugs into your backyard garden you control harmful pests without disturbing your fruits vegetable growth cycle.

6. Does bug fogging work against flying creatures like cluster flies fungus gnats fruit flies etc?

Absolutely Bug foggers create an environment unsuitable for most flying beings hence cleaning out infestations massively making it an ideal choice when dealing with multiple types of species at once.

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