Complete Guide on How to Drain a Pool with a Garden Hose | DIY Tips

Key Takeaway:

  • Draining a pool with a garden hose is a convenient and cost-effective method to remove water from your swimming pool.
  • The location of the drainage outlet and the garden hose is crucial for effective water drainage.
  • There are different ways to siphon pool water, including using a hose and faucet. Reasons for draining a pool may include adding fresh water, replacing the pool entirely, or updating the pool chemistry.
  • When draining an above-ground pool, challenges may arise, but options for draining the pool include using a pump or siphoning with a garden hose. Siphoning offers advantages and considerations that should be taken into account.
  • To start a siphon with a garden hose, common difficulties may occur, but following proper steps such as using the appropriate hose length, positioning the siphon tube correctly, and starting the water flow can help overcome these challenges.


Draining a pool with a garden hose might seem daunting, but it’s actually pretty straightforward. This handy guide will walk you through it, ensuring a smooth, efficient process for even the most novice pool owners.

First things first – figure out where you’re going to drain the water. Make sure you pick a spot where the water can flow away safely and won’t cause any flooding or other problems.

Siphoning with a hose and faucet is a great way to get the water from the pool to the drainage area. Once you’ve set it up, it’ll keep the water flowing smoothly and continuously – no babysitting needed.

But why would you need to drain your pool in the first place? Well, sometimes you need to add fresh water to keep the pool’s chemistry balanced. Or maybe you’re looking to give your pool a full makeover or reset its chemistry.

Draining an above-ground pool can have its own set of challenges, but don’t worry, we’ve got options to tackle them.

If you’re dealing with a large volume of water, consider using a specialized pump. It’ll get the job done quickly and efficiently.

On the other hand, a garden hose can be a convenient and simple tool for siphoning. All you need to remember is to make sure your hose is long enough and the siphon tube is positioned correctly to get the water flowing.

Once the siphon starts, sit back and watch the magic happen. Your garden hose will steadily drain the water from your above-ground pool.

Why Drain Water From Your Swimming Pool?

Think of your swimming pool as a giant bathtub – every so often, it needs a good old drain and clean! But why? And how can you make this chore less of a headache? Well, picking the right spot for your outlet hose and garden hose to drain the water is the name of the game. Get this right, and you’ll be waving goodbye to that old pool water in no time.

Ever tried slurping a drink with a straw? That’s pretty much what you’re doing when you siphon off pool water. There are a few different ways to do it, so you’ll find a method that suits you best. So let’s dive into why we sometimes need to give our pools a good drain, and how the right draining spot and the perfect siphoning technique can turn this task into a breeze!

The Importance of Drainage Location for Water Outlet Hose and Garden Hose

You want to empty your pool quickly and smoothly? The secret sauce is all about where you place your water outlet hose and garden hose. Think of them as the freeway for your pool water; you need a clear, obstacle-free path.

Twisted hoses around everything in sight? That’s a no-go. It’s like trying to race on a winding road – not ideal. So give your hoses a clear run, and you’ll be amazed at how fast that water exits the pool.

Also, don’t forget to enlist the help of our friend, gravity. A hose set up to drain downwards will have the water flowing out faster. It’s a simple trick, but it does wonders for the draining process.

Take it from our buddy Mike, an everyday guy with an above ground pool. Mike used to struggle with draining – it was slow and often interrupted. But then he figured out the hose positioning game. He chose a spot lower than his pool, free of any obstacles. What happened next? His draining woes disappeared! His pool drained super fast, and now he’s the go-to guy for pool draining tips among his friends and family.

And, here’s a fun fact: who needs the gym when lugging around a garden hose full of water gives you a decent workout? So remember, the right hose placement makes draining your pool not only easier but also a bit of a fun workout!

Different Ways to Siphon Pool Water

Siphoning pool water can be done in various ways. These methods involve using different techniques and tools to effectively remove water from the pool.

Here is a 4-step guide on different ways to siphon pool water:

  1. Using a Hose and Faucet: Connect a garden hose to a faucet and place one end of the hose in the pool while holding the other end below the water level. Turn on the faucet to create suction, which will start the siphoning process.
  2. Using a Pump: Another method is to use a pump specifically designed for draining pools. Attach a hose to the pump’s outlet and submerge it in the pool. Turn on the pump, and it will automatically siphon out the water.
  3. Siphoning with a Garden Hose: This method requires creating suction manually to start the siphon flow. Submerge one end of the garden hose in the pool while keeping the other end outside of it. Then, cover both ends simultaneously with your hands, creating an airtight seal. Lift one end higher than the other, uncovering it slightly to let air in and allow gravity to pull water down through the hose.
  4. Other Considerations: Before draining your pool, consider factors such as local regulations regarding waste disposal, avoiding potential damage to surrounding structures or landscaping by directing drained water properly, and measuring pH levels after refilling your pool.

It’s important to note that draining pool water should be done safely and responsibly, following guidelines set by your local authorities concerning waste disposal.

Chatting about siphoning pool water can be as fascinating as a good detective story! You see, it’s taken a whole lot of head-scratching and experimenting to nail down the best ways to do it. Over the years, folks have tried all sorts of tools and tricks to figure out how to drain pools smoothly. It’s been a journey of constant learning and tweaking!

And all that trial and error has paid off. Nowadays, we’ve got a bunch of different options to kick that excess water out of our pools. So no matter your pool type or your siphoning skills, there’s a method out there that’s got you covered!

Using a Hose and Faucet

Looking for a quick, easy, and cheap way to drain your pool? Let me introduce you to the trusty hose and faucet combo. With a bit of DIY siphoning, you can get the job done without breaking a sweat or your bank account on fancy pumps. Just make sure to point the drained water somewhere it won’t cause a mess or turn your backyard into a swamp.

  1. Attach the hose securely to the faucet, ensuring a tight seal.
  2. Submerge the other end of the hose into the pool, making sure it is completely filled with water to establish a siphon effect.
  3. Remove any air bubbles by covering the open end of the hose with your hand and lowering it below the pool’s water level, then release the air.
  4. Positioning yourself near a safe drainage area, turn on the faucet to initiate a steady flow of water through the hose.
  5. Monitor the draining process closely and adjust the faucet as necessary to maintain an optimal rate.

Here’s a fun fact for you: the hose and faucet technique is as old as the hills! Pool owners have been using it for ages. Why? Well, it’s simple, it’s budget-friendly, and it gets the job done. Who needs complex steps or pricey gear when you’ve got a good old hose and faucet? It’s proof that sometimes, the old ways are the best ways!

Reasons to Drain a Pool

A pool may need to be drained for various reasons, such as maintaining water quality and making necessary updates to the pool. These reasons include the need to add fresh water, replace the entire pool, or adjust the chemistry of the pool.

  • Adding Freshwater: Draining a pool allows for the addition of fresh water, which can help maintain proper chemical balance and hygiene.
  • Replacing Your Pool: Draining a pool is necessary when replacing an old or damaged pool with a new one.
  • Updating Your Pool Chemistry: Sometimes, draining a pool becomes essential to balance and adjust the chemicals used in treating the water, ensuring a clean swimming environment.

It is crucial to consider factors like the safe disposal of the drained water and finding suitable locations for drainage outlets before starting the draining process.

Pro Tip: It is recommended to consult with a professional or refer to local regulations regarding safe drainage practices and guidelines.

How to Drain an Above Ground Pool

Draining an above-ground pool isn’t always a walk in the park. There are some hurdles to jump, but hey, understanding them is the first step to finding a solution.

The first thing to wrap your head around? The mega amount of water we’re dealing with. An average above-ground pool is like a personal mini ocean in your backyard. And then there’s the location – sometimes, getting the right draining gear in place feels like trying to thread a needle in a hurricane.

But don’t worry! In this section, we’re going to take a deep dive into the nitty-gritty of draining an above-ground pool. We’ll unravel the challenges and show you the best tricks to drain that pool with style and ease. Let’s make a splash!

Challenges of Draining an Above Ground Pool

Draining an above-ground pool can feel like a tricky puzzle sometimes. You’ve got to figure out a bunch of things like where your pool’s at, how big it is, and what draining tools you have on hand.

The first big question? Where to drain all that water. Depending on your setup, getting your outlet hose and garden hose in the right spot can be a bit of a head-scratcher. But once you’ve cracked this, you’re on the home straight.

Next up, choose your draining method. Will you go with a pump or stick with the old-school garden hose siphon? Each has its own pros and cons, so you’ve got to weigh those up before you dive in.

And let’s not forget about looking after our planet. Making sure you’re disposing of your pool water safely is super important. We don’t want any water-loving critters getting hurt or any damage to our surroundings, right?

Want to hear a quick story? Once upon a time, I had a pool that was in a really awkward spot with nowhere nearby to drain the water. But with a bit of clever thinking and a longer hose, we managed to reroute the water to a storm drain nearby. Just goes to show, a little adaptability and problem-solving can go a long way when you’re dealing with pool draining challenges!

Options for Draining Pool Water

Ready to dive into your pool draining options? You’ve got two main contenders in this ring: the Pump and the Garden Hose Siphon. Each has its own signature moves, so let’s break them down step by step. Just remember: whichever way you choose, you need to play it safe, and always check your local rules about where to send that pool water.

Using a Pump

Think of draining your pool with a pump like a tag-team effort. You do the setting up, and then the pump takes over the heavy lifting.

Here’s your play-by-play:

  1. Scout out a good spot for the pump to do its thing. Ideally, you want it close to the pool.
  2. Hook up your pump to a drainage hose. Make sure it’s nice and snug.
  3. Pop the pump into the pool so it’s all underwater.
  4. Power up the pump and let it start siphoning off the water.
  5. Keep an eye on the pump and tweak any settings if needed.
  6. Once you’ve drained off the water you need to, turn off the pump and disconnect it from the power source and hose.

Just follow these steps, and you’ll be a pool-draining champ in no time!

Don’t forget though, safety first! And always make sure you’re draining your water in a way that’s not going to harm the environment.

Siphoning with a Garden Hose

Using a garden hose to siphon off your pool water is like a magic trick. It might seem complicated at first, but once you’ve got the hang of it, it’s a breeze. Here’s your step-by-step guide:

  1. Size up your garden hose: Make sure it’s long enough to go from your pool to your drainage spot.
  2. Get your siphon ready: Dunk one end of the hose into the pool and seal it off with your hand or something suitable.
  3. Fill ‘er up: Lift the sealed end of the hose out of the water and let the water fill up the hose.
  4. Steady as she goes: Slowly lower the full hose to your drainage spot, making sure you don’t let any air in.
  5. Keep an eye on things: Make sure the water keeps flowing smoothly. If it does, congratulations, you’ve started your siphon!
  6. Stick to the plan: Keep each end of the hose where it’s supposed to be – one in the pool and the other at the drainage spot. This will keep your siphon going smoothly.

Remember, the devil is in the details, so make sure you’re paying attention and doing things right, and you’ll avoid any potential hiccups.

Proper Hose Length

Choosing the right garden hose for draining your pool is like selecting the perfect dance partner—it’s all about length, flow, and avoiding those awkward kinks.

  1. Just Right Length: First things first, pick a hose long enough to glide from your pool to the drain spot without straining. Think easy-going stroll, not an overstretched elastic band.
  2. Go with the Flow: Look for a hose with the right diameter for a steady, resistance-free water dance. Too narrow, and it’s like trying to push the river through a straw.
  3. Kinks are a No-No: Like any good dance, flow matters. A kink-resistant hose is your best friend here, ensuring no interruption to your water’s graceful exit.
  4. Strong and Sturdy: Choose a hose with muscles! Durable materials can withstand the repeated use and potential rough handling that comes with pool draining.
  5. Connect and Dance: Make sure your hose can connect nicely with both your pool outlet and the drainage area. You don’t want any missteps in this water waltz!
  6. Extend the Dance Floor: Sometimes, your dance—err, drainage area—is a little further away. No problem, just add on some hose extensions or an additional hose.

Remember, longer isn’t always better. A hose that’s too long can slow the flow and waste water. Plus, it just makes your pool-draining task take longer.

In a nutshell, getting your hose length right makes draining your pool as smooth as a waltz, avoiding potential flow issues or damage to your hose. Let’s dance!

Setting Up Your Siphon Tube

Draining your pool might seem like a complicated task, but here’s a simple step-by-step guide to get your siphon tube set up and ready to roll:

  1. Location, Location, Location: Find the perfect spot close to your pool that’s also a good draining area. Make sure there’s plenty of space for your siphon tube to reach easily from your pool to this spot.
  2. Hook Up the Hose: Connect one end of your garden hose to a nearby water outlet. Check that it’s tightly attached to avoid any surprise water fountains!
  3. Dive Right In: Submerge one end of your siphon tube into the pool. The trick here is to make sure it fills up completely with water and that there aren’t any sneaky air bubbles hiding out.
  4. Go With The Flow: Place the other end of your siphon tube lower than the pool’s water level. That way, gravity will be your best friend and keep the water flowing out smoothly.
  5. Anchor Away: Secure both ends of your siphon tube with clamps or weights to keep them stable and in place. You don’t want any runaway hoses causing havoc!
  6. Check and Double-Check: Look out for any kinks or twists in your siphon tube and make sure both ends are secure before you start draining. A few checks now can save you a world of trouble later!

Common Difficulties in Starting a Siphon

Getting a siphon started can sometimes feel like you’re trying to solve a Rubik’s cube. Don’t worry, here are three simple steps to get you past those common stumbling blocks and siphoning like a pro.

  1. Bust those Bubbles: Air pockets are the number one party pooper when it comes to starting a siphon. The solution? Make sure the hose is filled with water and bubble-free before you begin. Think of it like priming a pump. Dip both ends of the hose into the pool and let the water flow through until you see no more bubbles. It’s a bit like a game of hide-and-seek!
  2. Tube Tango: Just like a good dance partner, your siphon tube needs to be in the right place. Put one end into the pool, and the other end needs to be lower than the pool’s water level. This way, gravity becomes your ally, and water flows smoothly without any interruptions.
  3. Pressure Power: Imagine the water in your hose is a team of runners. To get them moving, you need a bit of pressure. You can create this by using a source of water at a higher level than your pool, like an elevated bucket. The greater the height difference between this source and your pool’s water level, the more gravity will help your water run.

Remember, safety first! Treat these steps with care to keep both you and your surroundings safe. Draining a pool is no excuse for a water-soaked BBQ!

So, no more worrying about how to start a siphon. With these tips up your sleeve, you’ll be siphoning like a champ!

Helpful video

Some Facts About How to Drain a Pool With a Garden Hose:

  • ✅ Drainage location for the outlet hose or garden hose must be lower than the intake hose. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Siphoning pool water using a garden hose is often a simple and easy option. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Draining an above ground pool can be tougher due to the water level. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ A hose with a wide diameter is often a good choice for removing a large amount of water. (Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Draining a pool is often necessary for tasks such as replacing the pool liner or updating pool chemistry. (Source: Team Research)


1. How long does it take to drain a pool using a garden hose?

Using a garden hose to drain a pool can vary in time depending on the size of the pool and water flow rate. On average, it can take several hours to a full day to completely drain a pool.

2. What precautions should I take while draining a pool using a garden hose?

When draining a pool with a garden hose, make sure to monitor the water level regularly to avoid overflowing. Ensure that the drainage location is lower than the intake hose and follow local guidelines for proper water disposal. Additionally, take precautions to prevent the chemical water from harming grass and plants.

3. Can I use a garden hose to drain an in-ground pool?

Yes, a garden hose can be used to drain an in-ground pool. However, it may require additional steps and equipment due to the water level and size of the pool. Consider using a submersible pump or utility pump for more efficient draining.

4. How do I prevent a tear in the pool liner while draining with a garden hose?

To prevent a tear in the pool liner while draining with a garden hose, avoid dragging or pulling the hose across rough surfaces. Always handle the hose carefully and securely position the siphon tube to minimize any potential damage to the liner.

5. Are there any eco-friendly ways to drain a pool with a garden hose?

Yes, there are eco-friendly methods for pool drainage. Instead of draining the water directly into storm drains, you can consider redirecting it to a designated garden area that can benefit from the water. Ensure that the water is free from chemicals and does not pose any harm to the environment.

6. Can I use YouTube tutorials for guidance on draining a pool with a garden hose?

Yes, YouTube tutorials can be a helpful resource for visual guidance on draining a pool with a garden hose. Many individuals have shared their experiences and techniques, making it easier to understand the process and troubleshoot any potential challenges.

Additional Reading

After learning about how to drain a pool with a garden hose, you may find the following articles helpful as they cover various related topics:

  1. How to Clear a Vegetable Garden Full of Weeds: An essential guide for gardeners looking to clean up their vegetable gardens and prepare for planting.
  2. When Should You Start Mowing Your Lawn?: Gain insight into the best times for mowing your lawn to maintain its health and aesthetic appeal.
  3. When to Aerate Lawn in Ohio: If you’re based in Ohio, this article provides information about the best times to aerate your lawn.
  4. Lawn Sinks When Walking On It: Understand why your lawn might be sinking and learn how to fix it.
  5. What is a Brushless Lawn Mower?: Get familiar with brushless lawn mowers and their benefits for your yard maintenance.
  6. How to Start a BBQ Grill: Learn how to safely and effectively start your BBQ grill for those post-pooling outdoor parties.

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