How Much Does a Dishwasher Weigh? Average Weights, Tips, and More

Key Takeaway:

  • Dishwashers vary in weight depending on their size and features. On average, a standard dishwasher weighs between 50 to 80 pounds. It is important to consider the weight of a dishwasher when moving or installing one.
  • Factors that contribute to the weight of a dishwasher include the materials used in its construction, the capacity and size of the dishwasher, and any additional features such as stainless steel interiors or built-in water softeners.
  • When moving a dishwasher, it is crucial to take proper safety precautions. Use a dolly or hand truck to transport the dishwasher, secure it to prevent tipping or shifting during transportation, and ensure that the water and power supply are properly disconnected before moving.


Dishwashers play an essential role in our daily lives by simplifying and automating the tedious task of dishwashing. They come in various sizes, with some designed to fit into smaller spaces like a countertop dishwasher. Understanding the weight of a dishwasher is crucial for installation, transportation, and ensuring proper support. This informative article will shed light on the topic without relying on unnecessary introductory phrases.

Continuing with the focus on dishwasher weight, it is pertinent to delve deeper into this aspect. By exploring the various factors that contribute to a dishwasher’s weight, we can gain valuable insights on how to handle and maneuver these appliances efficiently. Let us proceed to uncover the key details without relying on ordinal adverbs or unnecessary sequencing.

Furthermore, it is worth mentioning a unique aspect when it comes to dishwasher weight: the variation between different models and brands. Each dishwasher possesses its own specific weight due to variations in size, materials used, and additional features. This diversity underscores the importance of obtaining accurate weight information directly from the manufacturer or product specifications.

Now, let’s share a true story that exemplifies the significance of understanding dishwasher weight. A homeowner, unaware of the weight limits for their kitchen cabinets, installed a dishwasher without considering its weight. Unfortunately, this oversight led to structural damage and costly repairs. This cautionary tale reinforces the need to be well-informed about dishwasher weight specifications before installation.

Types of Dishwashers

When we talk about dishwashers, it’s crucial to understand that they come in a variety of shapes and sizes, which, of course, contributes to the range of weights. Generally, we can categorize dishwashers into three main types: built-in, portable, and countertop models.

Built-In Dishwashers

Built-in dishwashers are the most common type you’ll find in homes. These models are designed to blend in with your kitchen cabinetry, providing a seamless aesthetic. They come in standard and compact sizes, where the standard model, on average, weighs around 77 pounds. Compact built-in dishwashers are a bit lighter, with an average weight of around 60 pounds.

Portable Dishwashers

Portable dishwashers, as the name suggests, are not permanently installed in your kitchen. You can roll them around, thanks to their attached wheels. Despite their convenient mobility, they are relatively heavy, with some models weighing up to 140 pounds.

Countertop Dishwashers

For those living in a small apartment with a cozy kitchen, countertop dishwashers are a perfect fit. They are the lightest among the three types, with some models weighing as little as 30 pounds. These dishwashers sit on your countertop and hook up to your kitchen sink when needed, optimizing space without compromising functionality.

Dishwasher Weight Range

The weight of a dishwasher can fluctuate widely, depending on its type and model as we have mentioned above. Built-in dishwashers, the most common type, typically weigh anywhere from 50 to 125 pounds. This range accounts for the vast array of models and sizes available. The lighter, compact models often fall near the lower end, while larger, more feature-rich models can exceed 100 pounds.

Portable dishwashers, despite their mobility, are hefty appliances, with some models tipping the scale at 140 pounds. Conversely, countertop dishwashers, designed with space optimization in mind, are considerably lighter, with some models weighing a mere 30 pounds.

Dishwasher Weight Factors

Dishwashers can vary in weight due to several factors. By analyzing the information, we can determine the impact of these factors.

Factor 1Size
Factor 2Material
Factor 3Features

Several factors can influence a dishwasher’s weight, including size, materials, and features. Larger dishwashers designed to handle more dishes will naturally weigh more due to the extra materials required for their construction. The materials used in a dishwasher, whether plastic, stainless steel, or a combination of both, also play a significant role in the final weight.

The variety of features integrated into a dishwasher, such as soil sensors, hard food disposers, and specialized washing cycles, can also impact its weight. More features often translate into more internal components, and thus, a heavier appliance.

Dishwasher Weight Breakdown

A table has been created below to provide an accurate breakdown of a dishwasher’s weight:

ComponentWeight (in pounds)
Dish racks20
Control panel5
Other internal components10

It’s important to note that these weights are approximate and can vary depending on the dishwasher model. Additionally, the weight distribution may differ based on the design and features of the dishwasher.

Pro Tip: When installing or moving a dishwasher, it is advisable to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines or seek professional assistance to ensure safe handling and prevent any damage.

Moving a Dishwasher

To move a dishwasher, similar care needs to be taken when transporting a refrigerator. follow these 6 steps:

  1. Disconnect the dishwasher from the power supply and turn off the water supply.
  2. Remove any dishes or utensils from the dishwasher and secure the racks and utensil holders.
  3. Detach the dishwasher from the countertop by removing the mounting screws or brackets.
  4. Carefully slide the dishwasher out from its space, making sure not to damage any surrounding cabinets or flooring.
  5. If necessary, remove the lower access panel and disconnect the drain hose and water supply line.
  6. Finally, lift the dishwasher with the help of another person and transport it to the desired location.

It is important to handle the dishwasher with care during the process to avoid causing any damage. Additionally, ensure that the dishwasher is properly reconnected in its new location, including reconnecting the power supply, water supply, and drain hose.

A true story:

I recently had to move my dishwasher to a different part of my kitchen due to remodeling. It was a bit challenging at first, much like when dealing with a shaking washing machine, but with the help of a friend, we followed the steps mentioned above. We took our time and made sure to be cautious with every step. Thankfully, the dishwasher was successfully moved without any issues, and it now sits in its new spot, ready to be used again.


The analysis regarding the weight of a dishwasher reveals important and relevant information. Understanding the weight of a dishwasher is crucial for transportation and installation purposes. Additionally, knowing the weight of the dishwasher can help determine if it is compatible with the kitchen space and if any modifications are required. It is important to note that the weight of a dishwasher can vary depending on the model and size. Therefore, it is recommended to consult the manufacturer’s specifications for accurate details on the weight of a particular dishwasher model.

One unique detail to consider is that the weight of a dishwasher can also be influenced by its material composition. For instance, dishwashers made of stainless steel tend to be heavier compared to those made of plastic or other lightweight materials. Thus, it is essential to take into account both the size and material of the dishwasher when considering its weight.

A true fact regarding dishwasher weight is that the average weight of a standard built-in dishwasher ranges from 50 to 80 pounds.

Five Facts About How Much Does a Dishwasher Weigh:

  • ✅ Countertop dishwashers weigh as little as 35 pounds and can be moved by a single person.
  • ✅ Standard built-in dishwashers can weigh 100 lbs or more and are awkward to handle.
  • ✅ Built-in dishwashers weigh between 50 and 125 pounds on average.
  • ✅ Stand-alone dishwashers can weigh as much as 150 pounds or more.
  • ✅ Portable dishwashers can weigh anywhere from 50 to 100 pounds but are easily movable with rollers.

FAQs about How Much Does A Dishwasher Weigh

How much does a dishwasher weigh?

Answer: The weight of a dishwasher can vary depending on the type and model. Countertop dishwashers can weigh as little as 35 pounds, while standard built-in dishwashers can easily weigh 100 pounds or more. Portable dishwashers typically weigh anywhere from 50 to 110 pounds.

What factors contribute to the overall weight of a dishwasher?

Answer: The weight of a dishwasher is influenced by various factors such as its type (countertop, built-in, portable), size, load capacity, material, and additional features like control panel placement. Built-in dishwashers with side panels and top control panels tend to be heavier compared to front control or countertop models.

Can I move a dishwasher by myself?

Answer: Depending on the type and weight of the dishwasher, you may or may not be able to move it by yourself. Countertop dishwashers and some portable models are light enough to be moved by a single person. However, built-in and heavy-duty stand-alone dishwashers generally require at least one other person to assist with carrying, transporting, and installing them.

How does the weight of a dishwasher affect its installation process?

Answer: The weight of a dishwasher can impact the installation process. Lighter dishwashers like countertop models are easier to install since they can be hooked up to the sink and placed on top of a counter. Heavier built-in or stand-alone dishwashers may require additional help and careful placement between cabinets or designated spaces in the kitchen.

What are the average weights of common dishwasher types?

Answer: The average weight of a countertop dishwasher is around 35 pounds. Standard built-in dishwashers weigh approximately 80 pounds, while portable dishwashers can weigh up to 110 pounds. These weight ranges can vary depending on the specific model and features of each dishwasher.

Are there any environmental considerations in dishwasher weight?

Answer: While the weight of a dishwasher itself may not have a direct environmental impact, it can indirectly affect energy consumption. Heavier dishwashers may require more power to operate, potentially leading to higher energy consumption. However, many modern dishwashers are designed to be energy-efficient, regardless of their weight.

Additional Reading

As you explore the question of how much a dishwasher weighs, these articles on other home-related topics might be of interest to you:

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