Discover the Truth: Is Water from a Dehumidifier Distilled?

What is Distilled Water?

Distilled water is a type of purified water that has undergone a specific process called distillation to remove impurities, minerals, and contaminants. This process is achieved by heating the water to its boiling point, causing it to turn into steam. The steam is then cooled and condensed back into liquid form, effectively separating it from any unwanted substances that were present in the original water source. The purified water that results from this process is known as distilled water.

Distilled water offers several advantages due to its high level of purity, making it suitable for various applications:

Medical and Laboratory Settings

In medical and laboratory environments, distilled water is crucial for obtaining accurate results and maintaining a sterile workspace. Using distilled water in these settings helps prevent contamination and ensures the reliability of tests, experiments, and medical procedures. Examples of its use in these settings include rinsing laboratory glassware, mixing solutions, and serving as a base for pharmaceutical products.

Automotive and Industrial Applications

Distilled water is also widely used in automotive and industrial applications, where its lack of minerals and contaminants makes it an ideal coolant. Using distilled water in cooling systems, such as those found in cars and industrial equipment, helps prevent mineral buildup, corrosion, and scaling, which can lead to reduced performance and increased maintenance costs. Additionally, distilled water is often used in batteries to maintain their efficiency and extend their lifespan.

Household Appliances

The purity of distilled water makes it an excellent choice for use in household appliances, such as irons, steam cleaners, and humidifiers. Using distilled water in these appliances can help prevent the buildup of mineral deposits, which can cause reduced performance, clogs, and damage to the appliance over time. By utilizing distilled water, homeowners can prolong the life of their appliances and maintain their effectiveness.

How Does a Dehumidifier Work?

Now that we know what distilled water is, let’s talk about dehumidifiers. A dehumidifier is a device that removes excess moisture from the air, thus improving indoor air quality and reducing the likelihood of mold, mildew, and other allergens. It can be particularly useful in damp spaces like basements, as explained in this helpful article on Basement Humidity.

A dehumidifier works by pulling in moist air and passing it over cooled coils. As the air cools, the moisture in it condenses into water droplets, which then drip into a collection container. The dry air is then re-heated and circulated back into the room. This process is similar to the way your refrigerator or air conditioner works.

If you’ve ever had your dehumidifier ice up, you know that this process can sometimes be interrupted. To learn more about why this happens and how to fix it, check out this informative article on Dehumidifier Icing Up.

Is Water from a Dehumidifier Distilled?

When it comes to determining whether water from a dehumidifier is distilled, the answer is a resounding no. Although the processes of condensation in a dehumidifier and distillation share similarities, there are several critical differences that ultimately result in the water collected by a dehumidifier not being classified as distilled water.

Different Heating and Cooling Processes

First and foremost, the water that condenses within a dehumidifier does not undergo the same intense heating and cooling process that distilled water does. In the distillation process, water is heated to its boiling point, turning it into steam, which is then cooled and condensed back into liquid form. This process effectively separates the water from impurities, minerals, and contaminants.

In contrast, a dehumidifier operates by pulling in moist air and passing it over cooled coils, causing the moisture in the air to condense into water droplets. This process does not involve the same level of heating and cooling as distillation, which means the water collected by a dehumidifier is likely to still contain some impurities, minerals, and contaminants.

Less Sterile Environment

Another crucial difference between the distillation process and the water collection process in a dehumidifier is the sterility of the environment. In a distillation apparatus, the entire process is carried out in a controlled, sterile environment, minimizing the possibility of contamination.

On the other hand, a dehumidifier operates in a less controlled environment, typically within a home or building. As a result, dust, mold spores, bacteria, and other airborne particles can be present in the air and on the surfaces of the dehumidifier. These particles can then mix with the water droplets collected by the dehumidifier, potentially contaminating the water with various impurities.

In summary, while there are similarities between the processes of distillation and dehumidification, the water collected by a dehumidifier is not considered distilled due to differences in the heating and cooling process and the sterility of the environment.

Is Water from a Dehumidifier Safe to Drink?

When considering whether it’s safe to drink water from a dehumidifier, it’s essential to note that this water is not distilled and, as a result, can contain contaminants, bacteria, and other impurities that may pose health risks. In general, it is not recommended to drink water collected by a dehumidifier.

However, in situations where there is no alternative and you absolutely must consume water from a dehumidifier, there are a few precautionary steps you can take to minimize potential hazards and make the water safer to drink:

Regularly Clean Your Dehumidifier

Cleaning your dehumidifier regularly helps minimize the presence of dust, mold, and bacteria that can accumulate inside the unit. Make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintaining the dehumidifier to ensure it operates efficiently and reduces the risk of contamination in the collected water.

Use a Pre-Filter

A pre-filter can capture larger particles, such as dust, mold spores, and pet dander before they enter the dehumidifier. By using a pre-filter, you can help reduce the number of contaminants in the air that could potentially mix with the collected water.

Boil the Collected Water

Boiling the collected water for at least one minute can help kill bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that may be present. This step is crucial in ensuring that the water is safer to consume, as it helps eliminate harmful pathogens.

Use Water Purification Tablets or Filters

Water purification tablets or filters, such as those used for camping or emergency situations, can help remove any remaining impurities in the collected water. These purification methods typically target specific contaminants and can further improve the water’s safety for consumption.

It’s important to remember that while these steps can help reduce the risks associated with drinking water from a dehumidifier, they may not completely eliminate all potential hazards. As a general rule, it is best to avoid consuming water from a dehumidifier and seek out alternative sources of clean, safe drinking water.

What Are the Benefits of Using Distilled Water?

Distilled water offers several benefits, thanks to its purity and lack of contaminants. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Improved taste and quality of beverages, such as tea and coffee, due to the absence of minerals and impurities
  2. Prolonged life and improved performance of household appliances, such as irons and steam cleaners, by preventing mineral buildup
  3. Reduced risk of contamination in medical and laboratory settings, ensuring accurate results and safe procedures
  4. Prevention of mineral deposits in automotive and industrial applications, leading to improved performance and reduced maintenance costs

How to Make Distilled Water at Home

If you’re keen on making your own distilled water at home, there are several methods you can use to achieve this. Here are two popular approaches to creating distilled water in a home setting:

Using a Water Distiller

A water distiller is a specialized appliance specifically designed to produce distilled water. The device operates by heating the water to produce steam and then cooling the steam back into liquid form, effectively separating the water from impurities. To use a water distiller, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Carefully read the manufacturer’s instructions for filling, operating, and cleaning the appliance.
  2. Fill the distiller with tap water or another water source, ensuring not to overfill.
  3. Turn on the distiller and allow it to run through the entire distillation process, which typically takes a few hours.
  4. Once the process is complete, carefully collect the distilled water and store it in a clean, airtight container.

DIY Stovetop Distillation

If you don’t have access to a water distiller, you can also attempt a DIY stovetop distillation method. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to distill water using this approach:

  1. Fill a large pot with water, leaving enough space for a heat-resistant glass bowl or container to float in the center. Make sure the bowl or container is not touching the bottom of the pot.
  2. Position a heat-resistant lid on the pot in an upside-down manner, so the handle points downwards into the bowl or container. This creates a slope for the condensed steam to collect in the bowl.
  3. Bring the water to a boil, then lower the heat to maintain a gentle simmer.
  4. Place ice or cold packs on the inverted lid to create a temperature difference. This temperature contrast causes the steam to condense and collect as water droplets in the bowl or container.
  5. Continue the distillation process until you’ve collected the desired amount of distilled water. Keep an eye on the water level in the pot, replenish it as necessary, and replace the ice or cold packs when they begin to melt.
  6. Once the desired amount of distilled water has been collected, carefully transfer it to a clean, airtight container for storage.

When making distilled water at home, it’s vital to use clean, sanitized equipment to prevent contamination. Additionally, be sure to store the distilled water in a clean, sealed container to maintain its purity.


Can I use the water from my dehumidifier?

Yes, you can use the water from your dehumidifier for non-potable purposes, such as watering plants, cleaning, or flushing toilets. However, it’s not recommended for drinking or cooking, as it may contain impurities and bacteria.

Can you drink distilled water from a dehumidifier?

No, you should not drink water from a dehumidifier, as it is not distilled and may contain contaminants, bacteria, and other impurities that can pose health risks. Always opt for clean, safe drinking water from a trusted source.

Is dehumidifier water the same as distilled water?

No, dehumidifier water is not the same as distilled water. While both processes involve condensation, dehumidifier water does not undergo the rigorous heating and cooling process of distillation, which results in a higher level of impurities.

What water comes out of a dehumidifier?

The water that comes out of a dehumidifier is called condensate. It is formed when moisture from the air condenses on the dehumidifier’s cooled coils. This water is not suitable for drinking or cooking, as it may contain contaminants and bacteria.

Is distilled water the same as purified water?

While both distilled and purified water are treated to remove impurities, they undergo different processes. Distilled water is produced through distillation, while purified water is treated using other methods, such as reverse osmosis, carbon filtration, or ultraviolet (UV) disinfection.

Can I use distilled water in my appliances?

Yes, using distilled water in your appliances can help prevent mineral deposits and prolong their lifespan. It’s particularly suitable for appliances like irons, humidifiers, and steam cleaners that require water with minimal impurities.

How can I ensure the water from my dehumidifier is safe for non-drinking purposes?

To ensure the water collected by your dehumidifier is safe for non-drinking purposes, regularly clean and maintain your dehumidifier according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Using a pre-filter to capture larger particles can also help minimize contaminants in the water.

Are there any health benefits to drinking distilled water?

While distilled water is free from impurities and minerals, it lacks some of the beneficial minerals found in tap water or spring water. Drinking distilled water is not harmful, but it may not provide the same health benefits as water containing essential minerals.

Can I use water from a dehumidifier in my car’s cooling system?

While it’s not ideal, using dehumidifier water in your car’s cooling system in an emergency is possible. However, it’s preferable to use distilled water, as it contains fewer impurities and minerals, which can cause buildup and affect your car’s performance.

Wrapping It Up

In conclusion, water from a dehumidifier is not distilled and is generally not safe to drink. If you’re looking for ways to improve the air quality in your home and reduce humidity levels, consider investing in a top dehumidifier, as recommended in this article on Top Dehumidifiers. And if you’re wondering when to use a dehumidifier, this article on When to Use Dehumidifiers has you covered.

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